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Costume calendars 2019



This project was implemented with the kind assistance of the NATIONAL ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM, SOFIA.

The National Ethnographic Museum is part of the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. This is a museum of the Bulgarian cultural identity, of the connection between the past and the present, of one's own culture and of other cultures. The museum searches for, preserves, researches, popularizes the collections of artifacts from the culture and way of life of the Bulgarians in today's borders of the country and of the Bulgarian communities abroad, owns in its funds tens of thousands of objects. The museum is located in the center of the Bulgarian capital, in the building of the former Prince's Palace.
With its more than a hundred-year history and 13 collections, the National Ethnographic Museum is one of the oldest and most sustainable centers for searching, collecting, preserving and presenting the cultural heritage of Bulgaria. Preservation of this heritage is a mission for the museum - only the museum fund "Bulgarian Folk Clothing", which provided the costumes for the current calendar, contains over 23,000 artifacts. Among them are costumes of Bulgarians from all regions of the country, from the western outskirts, Northern Dobrudja, Aegean Thrace and Macedonia, who found salvation in the homeland, as well as clothes of Bessarabian and Banat Bulgarians.
The Bulgarian folk costume enchants with its rich embroidery and braided decoration. The many parts of which it consists, build it as a whole composition, different for each region. The separate parts of the clothing and its decoration reflect the role and place of the person in the society, his age and marital status. There are folk beliefs about clothing, presented in myths and legends, songs and tales. The magic of the Bulgarian folk costume is a combination of rich color and decoration with different materials: tinsel, coins, beads and braids. The Bulgarian woman's jewelry - headbands, tepelets, bracelets, necklaces, pendants, chin straps, buckles and metal belts, are constant additions to clothing. They correspond to the social situation in society and are worn only by married women.

The Live Roots of Bulgaria Foundation


"Three sisters - 100 years later" 2019

This project was implemented with the kind assistance of the NATIONAL ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM, SOFIA.

"100 years later"

Exactly a century ago, Europe and the world marked the end of the most devastating war in world history - taking millions of lives and causing unprecedented material damage. The balance sheet for Bulgaria: confiscated ancient Bulgarian lands; 600,000 Bulgarians remain beyond the state border; huge military reparations. The second national catastrophe took place in 1919 in the Paris suburb of Neuilly, where the Great Powers severely punished Bulgaria. In this way the ideal of San Stefano Bulgaria was liquidated, and the national unification became an impossible mirage. Over the next three years alone, more than 100,000 refugees will arrive in Bulgaria from the confiscated lands. This flow of emigrants did not stop for the next decade. Refugees from White Sea Thrace, Macedonia and the western suburbs come to the old borders of the homeland with their local traditions and customs, with their traditional clothing. Often the only things refugees who are driven from their homes carry with them are only the clothes on their backs.
The costumes from the Bulgarian diaspora are extremely diverse. Within each ethnographic group there are different invariants that are carriers of regional or local traditions. In this issue you can see this invaluable wealth, this extravaganza of colorful colors that grabs at first sight. Beautiful women's costumes from Macedonia, Eastern and Western Thrace, Dobrudja and the Western suburbs are presented, which are a testament to the creative genius of the Bulgarian woman, to her sense of beauty.


The National Ethnographic Museum is part of the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. This is a museum of the Bulgarian cultural identity, of the connection between the past and the present, of one's own culture and of other cultures. The museum searches for, preserves, researches, popularizes the collections of artifacts from the culture and way of life of the Bulgarians in today's borders of the country and of the Bulgarian communities abroad, owns in its funds tens of thousands of objects. With its more than a hundred-year history and 13 collections, the National Ethnographic Museum is one of the oldest and most sustainable centers for searching, collecting, preserving and presenting the cultural heritage of Bulgaria. Preservation of this heritage is a mission for the museum - only the museum fund "Bulgarian Folk Clothing", which provided the costumes for the current calendar, contains over 23,000 artifacts. Among them are costumes of Bulgarians from all regions of the country, from the western outskirts, Northern Dobrudja, Aegean Thrace and Macedonia, who found salvation in the homeland, as well as clothes of Bessarabian and Banat Bulgarians.



"The Roots of Razlog" 2019

This project was implemented with the kind assistance of the Historical Museum - Razlog

The calendar "ROOTS OF RAZLOG", with authentic costumes from the Historical Museum - Razlog, is realized with the support and assistance of the Municipality of Razlog / Municipality of Razlog. Historical Museum - Razlog is located on the square "September 15, 1903", near the city center. The building is part of a series of Revival houses, which have been declared architectural monuments. The house is a model Razlog-Chepinska, "brother" type from the end of the XIX century. Currently, more than 5,000 exhibits from different eras are stored here. Among the invaluable wealth of the museum fund stand out the collections of weapons and old printed books, traditional local clothing and works of Razlog master craftsmen. Archaeological finds from different epochs are presented in the museum expositions. We thank Hristina Manova - Director of IM Razlog for the support of the idea and assistance in the implementation. Thanks to Veska Zhegova for the inspiration and help with the photos. We thank the Municipality of Razlog and all the heartfelt people in it! We thank the beautiful girls from Razlog who stood in front of the camera to tell about Razlog with beauty and colorful costumes. Listen to their story with your hearts.

And strong.
Rooted in the divine land of Mehomiya.
This land - with a wreath of three mountains
Pirin, Rila and Rhodopes.
This land - with the song of four rivers.
This land - with sighs from millennia ...
From there,
from the depths of the millennium,
the bells of the chaushe come.
To rise and
today to the highest peaks of Pirin!
And they come back,
with God's blessing,
as an echo
in the dance on the marble square
on the market.
Young and old,
dressed in beautiful costumes,
welcome next year holding hands
of the biggest and happiest dance of Starcheva.
With vats and bells, with drums and zurns,
smiling, beautiful,
in love with this marble square,
in his Razlog.
In this square,
of Babinden,
grandmothers with colorful strainers
swing the future of Razlog in the first dance
of their grandchildren.
And they paint them to be healthy and to love
That is why Razlog is a city-keeper of traditions.
Because its roots are
intertwined in the soul of a tormented,
strong and beautiful people,
inhabited this piece of divine land,
where Yavorov "sang" his sad songs,
where Baba Magdelina collected in feet
cut off
from the Turks the heads of their sons,
to bury them in a Christian way…
people still remember and store sounds,
songs, dances, rhythms, colors, notes…
Because Razlog measures time
with that unique
a sense of eternity.
In the sun.
With an ancient calendar.
That is why Razlog is cosmopolitan.
And melts a wrist in silent water under the stars
St. George's Day…
The world of Razlog is colorful.
Colorful, colorful, smiling.
A world of strong men
and women with love
to family and homeland,
to that
the inexplicable that grabs you by the throat,
when you hear
the bells,
the song…
That is why Razlog is alive.
Ancient but also young.
Because he is doomed to love.
With deep roots
in the heart of decomposition.

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