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Tedy Mileva

DEVOYKO, MARI, HUBAVA - calendar 2021


A calendar dedicated to the beauty and spiritual strength of the Bulgarian woman.

"Devoyko, mari, hubava" is a calendar with authentic Bulgarian folk costumes stored in museums in Bulgaria. In this calendar you will see "revived" folk costumes from different regions of the country. You will touch the beauty and splendor of the authentic Bulgarian women's costume from the funds of the Ethnographic-Archaeological Museum - Elhovo, Regional Historical Museum - Yambol, Historical Museum - BATAK, "Korpeeva House", or exhibition "Kotel City Life", Regional Historical Museum Pazardzhik. This year, authentic folk costumes from private collections are again included in the calendar.

"Holding this calendar in your hands, you hold your past and at the same time everything that should be preserved in the future. Our roots. January is a festive girl from Elhovo. February is a gorgeous bride Kariotka. March welcomes you with a Yambol beauty from the village Zornitsa, April is a colorful lazar, May is a sunny holiday, June is full of colors, antiques, values, July is the sun that brightens the smile of the most beautiful bride in the village, August comes all the way from Karakoy, September is a humble girl waiting for autumn And October is a proud bulgarian from Bolyartsi. November - from Miryantsi. And so December came. He will tell you about Batak. Every month he will touch you to a different way of life, different culture, different understandings of the life and beauty. The differences that make our Bulgaria a paradise. Our difficult task was to take out all these colorful folk costumes from the funds of museums throughout Bulgaria, and yours, also a difficult task, is to show these photos, collected in a luxury edition, to your grandchildren, and they to their . And so, the Bulgarian thread never stops twisting! "

/ Anelia Krumova - participant in the first edition of the calendars with folk costumes, as a 16-year-old /

THE LIVE ROOTS OF BULGARIA FOUNDATION would like to thank all the consultants, friends and participants in the initiative who, with information, advice and assistance, contributed to the implementation of the project: our hosts and friends from the village of Kovachevitsa - municipality. Garmen; Ichera village - municipality Sliven; town of Razlog; Holy Trinity Monastery, Ustrem village.

Special thanks to Svetla Bonkova from Razlog.

Official thanks to:

Chief Consultant Angel Yankov - Director of REM - Plovdiv

Hristo Hristov - Director of EAM - Elhovo

Dobrinka Kostova - Ch. curator EAM - Elhovo

Dinka Angelova - ethnologist ROME - Yambol

Boris Hadjiiski - Director of RHM - Pazardzhik

Maria Yordanova - curator of the Ethnography Department, RHM Pazardzhik

Stefan Ivanov - curator of HM - Kotel

Hristina Manova - Director of the Historical Museum - Razlog


  • You support the activity of the museums in Bulgaria, as some of the calendars are donated by us for realization in favor of the museums with which we have worked on them;

  • You also support the activities of "Bulgarian Roots" to cover and promote important Bulgarian folklore events and participations in the coming year.

Special thanks to the charming girls who with heart and distance to the Bulgarian are included in these photos: Ioanna Djelebova, Mihaela Bakalova, Maria Ivanova, Ivayla Valeva, Anna Yancheva, Iliana Dzhondzorova, Pamela Peycheva, Katerina Anastasova, Iva Topalova, Elitsa Paraparunova, Alexia Vasileva, Desislava Yordanova, Lilyana Ubleva.



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