January 1, early morning. It is still dark, and music is already playing - drums and zurni, to which 50 kilograms of sounds are invited. It's the Old Man's. Every home is lively. The people here have been preparing for this holiday for a long time and for them it is not just a local tradition, but a holiday that is sought with their hearts.
The "chaushite" - equipment of guards are being prepared. Compared to the tradition of this are young men dressed in a special suit of sheepskin or leather, with a high pointed fur hat - a spout. They carry four large sounds on their waists and carry a whip in their hands. Apart from the folk notions from Ignazhden to Voditsi / Jordan's Day /, ie almost a month, it is a time of chaos, during which time these men go around the city every night to the first roosters to drive away the evil demons who came from the afterlife. On the day of the Young God, i.e. on January 1, the introduced guards must keep the order of the procession, and with their dance in a circle provide a "clean place" for the descent of the Young God on earth, to join in the new year. you can see from 2 month old baby to 80 year olds, all festively dressed in folk costumes, there are groups of "chaushi" (mummers), girls and bachelors in folk costumes, bears with bears, jokers and orchestras of zurni and drums. It's noisy, it's beautiful, everyone dances holding hands and walking around the city with the chaushes. The team of "Bulgarian Roots" cordially thanks the residents of Rainbow Maala for hospitality, heartfelt recovery and the opportunity to touch the magic of the holiday. In the coming days they will broadcast the film, which will tell about the "Old Man's" tradition through these eyes. Thank you, friends, from the bottom of my heart!