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VIII International Mummer's Carnival "Starchevata 2019"

On January 12 on the central square in the town of Razlog, the International Mummer's Carnival "Starchevata 2019" was held. Mummers from 16 groups from the country and Macedonia chased the evil forces in one of the most significant events in the region. In a colorful string of unique costumes and costumes, amid the sound of hundreds of bells and vats, a lot of music and people, the participants showed traditions of folk memory associated with this time of year. The "Starchevata 2019" carnival has a competitive character. The performance of the participants in the various competition categories was evaluated by a professional jury. The first place is shared by Carnival group "Dalboshnitsa", Petrich and Mummer's group in the village of Pobeda, Tundzha municipality. In second place are the Mummers 'Group in the village of Bachevo, Razlog Municipality and the Mummers' Group in the village of Osetenovo, Pavel Banya Municipality. There are three groups ranked third - the village of Gorna Vasilitsa, Kostenets municipality, Mummer's group in the village of Dunavtsi, Kazanlak municipality and Mummer's collective and a Revival group with a cherry ball in the village of Gabarevo. Special awards for: Original costumes - Survakar group "Dolna Sekirna", Breznik municipality; The oldest participant - Venetka Stoykova from the village of Gorna Vasilitsa, Kostenets municipality; Youngest participant - Bachevo village, Razlog municipality; Innovations - Mummer's Club "Mirkovo"; Preservation of the tradition - Mummer group "Arabs", Shumen; Original presentation - Polyanite district, Petrich. The Old Bulgaria Foundation and the jury of the carnival made an extraordinary decision to award the special prize of the foundation for precise and accurate interpretation of the tradition of the representative group of the town of Razlog.


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