The Live Roots of Bulgaria Foundation
Promotion of the Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage.
Creating work plans related to the modern understanding and reproduction of traditional forms of culture, including:
Establishment and support of youth organizations and actions, with an emphasis on the work of preserving the cultural and historical heritage. Socialization, attraction and engagement of young people in order to preserve and preserve cultural memory and continuity between different generations.
Supporting the research, preservation, preservation, development and promotion of the local cultural and folklore heritage, with mutual initiatives between the foundation and the cultural institutions.
Providing assistance and contribution to the preservation of specific and general cultural practices.
Joint initiatives with organizations dealing with "cultural tourism" - moving people due to cultural motives, educational tours, focusing on local landmarks (monuments, nature, etc.).
Wide publicity and socially-oriented advertising of specific settlements, in close cooperation with other organizations.
Support and support of state initiatives for preservation of the Bulgarian folklore and traditional culture, with activities for their popularization, in the context of the European historical traditions and building of high national self-confidence and Bulgarian self-consciousness, combined with pan-European cultural identity.
Initiatives of the Live Roots of Bulgaria Foundation